What I love about Bali: I love that they have a variety of BRAS, SHAPEWEAR and PANTIES. Their BRAS are comfortable; which is their main goal (comfort.) They cater to full figured women with PANTY sizes starting at the medium and they have a page devoted to help their customers choose their appropriate size of UNDERWEAR.
however I do not find their BRAS attractive; they remind me of old lady BRAS, or BRAS that try hard to be pretty and end up looking froofy.
HOWEVER (AGAIN) their website redeems themselves with tips to help one relax and find comfort in life. For example (in their live beautifully section):
Comfort Tips
Indulge Within Your Comfort Zone
Don’t deprive yourself entirely on the shopping front. You know how when you diet, if you don’t give into those chocolate cravings every now and then you end up regretting a 3,000 calorie binge? Shopping is the same way. Save for what you want or buy smaller items like new lingerie, a colorful new bangle, or a new T-shirt to keep your shopping cravings in check - Anne L. Fritz, Editor of The Jet Set Girls and former Style Director for Life & Style
One can see that this is a company devoted to helping others and is not devoted to commercial success. Bali is a genuine treasure. http://balicompany.com/