Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"Special Delivery" Commercial

HEHE gotta love these guys!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fruit of the Loom "Flawless" Commercial

Love the simplicity and realness of the commercial. finally BRIEFS by fruit of the loom look great! (what a surprise)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

IN FULL: The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011 (FULL)

Commentary: I really enjoyed all of the performances, especially Kanye's!
I also really liked the creativity expressed in the aquatic portion of the show. The collection was so fluid and fit together very well!
ALSO I love that the models are very diverse this year in ethnicity. But I have noticed that the models have become skinnier/ bony ever since Naomi, Tyra and Heidi left.
What was your favorite part? Performance? Favorite look?
What did you think of the models this year?
I would love to know your thoughts.
Peace.Love and UNDERWEAR..

Duluth Trading "Buck Naked" Underwear

Great Advertising. Check it out guys!

Charity: Knickers for Africa

Help protect girls in Africa – recycle your undies
Posted on 16 May 2009
Update Aug 09 – The HOTmilk campaign has now finished but Knickers4Africa still need your help. If you have underwear that you would like to donate please contact Emma at Visit to find out more.

The other day my mum told me about a scheme which helps protect women and girls from sexual abuse by donating underwear.
This scheme was set up by Zimbabwe ex-pat Morag Roy who, on a return trip there, was told by a friend that sexual abuse and rape of young girls was rife. A local priest explained however that having underwear could help prevent this. He said that underwear is expensive and owning these items gives a woman prestige and shows they have money. Women with underwear are considered to be more independent and assertive, so men are less likely to assault them.
Morag and her colleague Corrie Peterson had previously set up a course for sexual assault victims and when she told Corrie what she’d learned they decided to ask women to donate their bras.
I’ve looked this scheme up online and found various references to it (some of which are listed at the bottom of this article). One article says that bras are needed primarily and preferably in dark colours for modesty reasons but another says that knickers and other underwear is wanted too.
I’ve also seen some disparaging comments online saying it is patronising and unhygienic to expect these women to take hand-me-down underwear. I personally feel strongly about the value of second-hand. Surely it is a positive thing if the underwear is clean and if the women are not offended and most importantly if this plays a role in helping them. Rather than throw away your perfectly good undies, recycle them and potentially keep a girl or woman safe from abuse.
Maternity lingerie company HOTmilk and their regular freight company Express Logistics are participating in the scheme and have taken thousands of pairs of underwear to Zimbabwe. If you’d like to join HOTmilk and help too then you can see a list of outlets in various countries who will pass on your underwear donation to the next “Knickers for Africa” shipment.
I shall be dropping off my mum’s, my sisters’ and my donations to the Nottingham outlet next week.
To learn more visit:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


If you are in college/ university and love discounts and freebies all related to underwear and you are not a member of PINK nation through VictoriasSecret;
you should be... that is all i need to say. here is the link to join

Be Blessed

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Social Network - Club Scene

Here is a recap about the Foundation of Victorias Secret. Performed by Justin Timberlake and Jesse Eisenberg in the movie Social Network.

Found this on Deviant Art. The artist Dragon Spark painted Van Gogh's Starry Night using acrylic on a bra. I think it is really interesting that he added both a complex and texturied feel to the bra. The painting of Van Gogh is so captivating that I forget about the bra. Good job Dragon Spark.
Be Blessed.

Donate your Bras

Located in Glamour Magazine:

Between now and August 14, Soma Intimates is collecting donations of new and gently used bras for a nationwide initiative called "Giving is Beautiful." Bring your bra in to a local Soma boutique, and it'll be donated to a women's shelter or other charitable organization in your area, since bras are among the least-donated and most-needed items for women who are homeless or victims of domestic violence. The company has already collected more than 68,000 bras since they began this initiative a year ago, and they're hoping to hit 150,000 by next year.

Don't have a Soma near you? You can mail yours in! Just visit and find out how your donation will get into the right hands. And FYI ladies, anything that's not wearable will be taken care of by The Bra Recyclers so it won't end up in a landfill. Time for a little lingerie drawer clean-out, huh?

Read More

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Happy Sunday
Today I bought a variety 7 VS panties for $25.50.
and 2 extra that were 2.99
get those coupons from VS by becoming a PINK NATION member!
P.s. Those are not the underwear I chose, just a picture representing the beauty of a panty sale.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


I have tried the strapperfect.

My verdict, it is pretty good if you are wearing those haltar tops or even if you need a better fit for your bra. I like it. however by it at you local Walgreens, tj. Maxx or CVS because it is cheaper, and you wont have to pay shipping and handling.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Panama Panty Insanity

I am currently in Panama, and every store has great brands for cheap. Example maidenform bras $7. However I noticed that every store had sizes A through D. WHAT. One third of the women here need above a DD. I need a DD some people here need G sizes. I asked my academic director why there arent more bra sizes and she said there is not a need for higher bra sizes. After this conversation we had dinner, and I pointed out a couple of ladies wearing the wrong size. I dont understand. is it a fashion statement. hope not.

WARNING, Bra too Tight Can Cause Mammary Gland Hyperplasia, another

Thursday, April 21, 2011

how it all started.

I remeber I used to have many night gowns when I was a girl. But my favorite were my silk and satin sea green blue night gowns. I had a three, a long sleeve, speghetti straped and a short sleeve. I believe it was a set. I loved to twirl around and feel pretty and sometimes these nightgowns would be my clothes for the entire day.
During my 7th birthday I remember recieving my first couple of training Bras they were the Disney princess sets and I got them from my cousin Samyra and TT. I adored them even though I agree with my mother that I was way too young for training bras...But, i wore them anyway.
What is your story?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

L.E.I. Panties

Walmart is selling LEI PANTIES for $2.50 to 3.00.
These PANTIES are soo comfy and DURABLE. Check 'em out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Interesting Synonyms for Panties

bikini, briefs, intimate things, lingerie, underclothes, undergarment, underpants, undies, bloomers, chinos, britches,knickers, skivvies.
If you know anymore let me know! and comment below

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


If you are traveling for a good amount of time... pack skintone or neutral UNDERWEAR. (browns, beiges, and whites) also pack some red ones for that special time when Aunt flow tries to cramp your style. Also pack more pairs than the days of your trip. if your trip is 1 week pack enough for 2 weeks. IDK but JIC (just in case)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Passionata Lingerie

Ok.. Passionata a French based company with exclusive stores around the world. Derived from Chantelle an enterprise founded in 1876.
Passionata bears the pink heart as a logo and has cute, sexy, simple and pretty everyday UNDERWEAR.
The website is cute with a cutesy song check it out!
In my opinion it is like the VS of Paris.